As part of the wider Neighbourhood Doughnut movement and enquiry, we are very excited to be working together with Enrol Yourself and Doughnut Economics Action Lab to take radical ideas off the page and turn them into transformative action in neighbourhoods across the UK.
Together we will be sharing practice, inspiration, ideas and tools for how we craft new economic possibilities that are regenerative and distributive by design in the commons to bring deep dive, peer-to-peer learning journeys to life with you all, starting in February 2022.
Learning together as peers allows for more horizontal structures, with everyone bringing skills, wisdom, knowledges, histories, ideas and more into the round. Everyone has something to learn, and something to contribute. We want to nurture relationships and exchange between mutual participants rather than limiting teacher and pupil dynamics, as well as recognising the plurality of ways in which we all learn, and what it means to learn together.
How might we compound our learning by nurturing deep collective, supportive reflection through learning that is peer-to-peer, self-directed and design-led?
How can we go deep enough, honour our histories, support one another, build trust and new plural possibilities, whilst also acknowledging the era of deep crises that we find ourselves in?
We believe that learning together, working out loud, and sharing in the commons are some of the building blocks of unlocking collective possibilities, reimagining our big systems, and spreading this in distributive and regenerative ways, and this is the approach that we are taking together.