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The Doughnut offers a compass for the 21st Century. It envisions an economy that is doughnut- shaped, undergoing the transformation necessary to create a safe and just space to thrive between its two concentric circles. Thriving without overshooting the outer ring of planetary boundaries, earth’s life supporting systems. Thriving whilst ensuring nobody falls through the hole of the inner ring, defined by the Sustainable Development Goals. Inviting a new story of what it means to thrive in balance.

Dive deeper into these ideas in 02 | About The Doughnut.

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The Four Lenses

What would it mean for our homes, streets and neighbourhood to enter this safe and just space described by the Doughnut? Our mission is for our neighbourhood to be within this space, to be a safe, just and thriving place for all.

To help us explore this question, we need to start to ‘unroll’ the Doughnut. The Doughnut Economics Action Lab (DEAL) created the Doughnut Unrolled concept to help us to move from the Doughnut into Four Lenses that enable us to look deeply into different elements.

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The Four Lenses invite us to explore the interplay between local aspirations and global responsibilities in the neighbourhood, both ecologically and socially. They enable us to identify creative and participatory entry points, build a Community Portrait of Place and a Data Portrait of Place, develop immersive experiences, discover pre-existing action, make connections, and find leverage points for transformative action.

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